Students who attend Options Higford are supported by an embedded clinical team comprising of psychology input, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and a number of therapy assistants.
The children and young people at Options Higford have complex profiles in terms of diagnosis, difficulties and needs. For this reason, the clinical team are required to have knowledge, skill and experience in applying different recognised approaches in their practice when supporting the children / young people and staff e.g. Outcomes First Group’s ‘Ask, Accept, Develop’ Autism strategy, PACE, Total Communication, Intensive Interaction.
Prior to admission the clinical team are fully involved in the transition planning process. Following admission, a multi-disciplinary assessment is carried out and the information gathered is used to form the intervention plan and core clinical documents in place (Positive Behaviour Support Plan, Communication Profile, Sensory Motor Profile and Independence Plan). Progress reviews are carried out annually and corresponding plans and paperwork updated accordingly. Additional specialist clinical assessment is carried out as and when required if a specific difficulty is identified. Core clinical documents and reports are shared as required to internal and external professionals.
Throughout their time at Options Higford the children and young people receive support from all members of the clinical team. This may entail both direct and indirect support. Indirect support might include: staff training, mentoring and putting programmes in place for staff to deliver. Direct support might be delivered on a 1:1 or group basis. A written plan is required for any intervention and outcomes are measured, recorded and reported. The clinical team provides reports for key meeting and reviews for each child and young person throughout their placement at Options Higford and there is always clinical representation at meetings.